Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Washington is definately the most beautiful state, however it is full of allergies.
Seriously, the first day here I could hardldly breathe. Is there anything good about allergies? Do they have any beneficial significance in the circle of life? They must exist for a reason, but I don't know what it is.

Also, since when is it a requirement to be half whatever profession you are, and half salesman? I went to the optometrist today and the whole time he talked in this weird voice that I suspect was supposed to make me feel comfortable. He kept telling me I was doingnreally well and that my eyes were very nice. Then he capitalized on me being a student and how I must be smart and work really hard...then the sales tactics came. Apparently I need to buy these special lenses because I'm a student and they make "studying" easier. Obviously they are also more expensive. You are a doctor, not a businessman, get ou'ma' face.

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