Thursday, December 23, 2010

From many states and nations, from cities large and small, we serve the New York mission

Drove all the way to Bellevue and back to chill with Elder Sanders and catch up. Spent more time traveling than chilling (what is the deal w Washington traffic) but it was totally worth it. Although it made me a little sad. Nostalgia is such a weird thing. How can it make you so happy and so sad at the same time? Basically anytime I talk or think about my mission I feel nostalgic, so like...everyday...ugh. If I had one wish...

On the other hand last night was an exciting night. I saw two men sing Britney Speare's "Toxic" and I also saw a transvestite with green, glow in the dark teeth.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Washington is definately the most beautiful state, however it is full of allergies.
Seriously, the first day here I could hardldly breathe. Is there anything good about allergies? Do they have any beneficial significance in the circle of life? They must exist for a reason, but I don't know what it is.

Also, since when is it a requirement to be half whatever profession you are, and half salesman? I went to the optometrist today and the whole time he talked in this weird voice that I suspect was supposed to make me feel comfortable. He kept telling me I was doingnreally well and that my eyes were very nice. Then he capitalized on me being a student and how I must be smart and work really hard...then the sales tactics came. Apparently I need to buy these special lenses because I'm a student and they make "studying" easier. Obviously they are also more expensive. You are a doctor, not a businessman, get ou'ma' face.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Finals Week

Finals are over...minus one presentation, but that doesn't really count and I'm just gonna wing it.

Things I hate about finals week:

Library being crowded
Sitting all day and therefore getting FAT
Exams duh.
Most of all...sweatpants

Seriously, it's finals week not zero self awareness week. Finals is not an excuse to present yourself as a slob. Put some jeans on, you're not pregnant, and this is not your bedroom!

But it's over now so whatever, I'm going home.
Next semester=human development
I'm ready for my life to begin.